As far as audience-profile is concerned the big starrer Bbuddah...Hoga Terra Baap is already one-up on the Aamir Khan production Delhi Belly. Both release on July 1. But while Delhi Belly has been passed by the censor board with an 'A' certificate (for adults only) Bbuddah... was cleared on Wednesday with a 'U/A' certificate.
The flamboyant new Big B flick Bbuddah...Hoga Terra Baap with the mega-star wearing the most colourful clothes and mouthing the most flamboyant dialogues was passed with almost no cuts with U/A certificate on Wednesday afternoon.
That means, kids can watch the film with their parents. The Wednesday-afternoon censorial approval of the film put to an end all the speculation about the film being too over-the-top for the Big B's image.
Relieved with the censor certificate Bbuddah director Puri Jagannath said, "The censors loved it. They said it's a clean and neat movie."
Only one shot was censored in the entire film.
Says Puri proudly, "It's an action shot. It shows a small-time villain firing bullets in the head. That apart not a shot was censored."
The flamboyant new Big B flick Bbuddah...Hoga Terra Baap with the mega-star wearing the most colourful clothes and mouthing the most flamboyant dialogues was passed with almost no cuts with U/A certificate on Wednesday afternoon.
That means, kids can watch the film with their parents. The Wednesday-afternoon censorial approval of the film put to an end all the speculation about the film being too over-the-top for the Big B's image.
Relieved with the censor certificate Bbuddah director Puri Jagannath said, "The censors loved it. They said it's a clean and neat movie."
Only one shot was censored in the entire film.
Says Puri proudly, "It's an action shot. It shows a small-time villain firing bullets in the head. That apart not a shot was censored."
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