A while ago we had informed you that Yash Raj Films is planning to launch a new division targeting the youth. The wait has now ended as Yash Raj Films has launched its youth films studio called Y-Films. The new division is a dynamic, vibrant start-up at the intersection of films, creativity and youth culture that hopes to challenge the norm and detonate boundaries. It promises to give the youth a creative outlet and voice that will entertain and unite on films and beyond.
The youth is the largest movie going audience - both in India as well as overseas. However, currently there has been no focused attempt to create films for them, unlike the West where the teen film is a genre of its own. And given the fact that over 70% of India is below the age of 35 - it's too big an audience to ignore.
Y-Films is headed by Ashish Patil, formerly head of youth music channel MTV in India. Patil adds, "Y-Films promises to deliver kick ass films of the youth, by the youth, for the youth. And be a platform for new talent - both on screen and behind the scenes - who will challenge, break and set new rules of story telling. Get ready to spread the Y-rus!"
The films will be laser-focused on the universe of the young covering all genres - thrillers, comedies, chick-flicks, capers - with some really fresh music. It's an aggressive slate with the first film - Luv Ka The End, an 'anti-rom-com' - gearing up for release on 6th May, 2011 starring Shraddha Kapoor and a fresh new cast. The promos for this are expected to break at the launch event end-March.
The youth is the largest movie going audience - both in India as well as overseas. However, currently there has been no focused attempt to create films for them, unlike the West where the teen film is a genre of its own. And given the fact that over 70% of India is below the age of 35 - it's too big an audience to ignore.
Y-Films is headed by Ashish Patil, formerly head of youth music channel MTV in India. Patil adds, "Y-Films promises to deliver kick ass films of the youth, by the youth, for the youth. And be a platform for new talent - both on screen and behind the scenes - who will challenge, break and set new rules of story telling. Get ready to spread the Y-rus!"
The films will be laser-focused on the universe of the young covering all genres - thrillers, comedies, chick-flicks, capers - with some really fresh music. It's an aggressive slate with the first film - Luv Ka The End, an 'anti-rom-com' - gearing up for release on 6th May, 2011 starring Shraddha Kapoor and a fresh new cast. The promos for this are expected to break at the launch event end-March.
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