The film's shooting was being held in the scenic Kutralam locality. Sameera plays actress Amala Paul's elder sister in the film and for a particular sequence Sameera and Amala Paul were required to ride on their respective bikes. It was a part of their introductory song sequence which was elaborately planned by director Lingusamy. Both Sameera and Amala were clad in paavadai-dhavani (Half Saree-a kind of costume which is worn mostly by teenagers). As the shoot was taking place, the outfit got caught in the bike's wheel and she fell on the ground along with co-star Amala Paul. Sameera Reddy's leg was stuck under the wheel and she got severely bruised on her hands and legs. Both actresses were rushed to a nearby hospital for first aid. After taking up first aid at the hospital, the director Lingusamy asked her if she wanted to postpone the shoot as she was badly injured. But the thorough professional that she is, Sameera realized that it could bring in a lot of losses and wanted to continue the shooting. The films unit was impressed by her dedication.
Vettai is directed by N. Lingusamy. The film stars Aarya & Amala Paul along with R. Madhavan and Sameera Reddy. The movie is produced by Lingusamy's home production Thirrupathy Brothers.